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9014    U.S. AIR FORCE ACADEMY, COLORADO SPRINGS Music from the Air Force Academy features Diane Bish playing the 80 rank organ solo and with brass ensemble.  Music includes Music includes: Johann Christian Bach "Five Pieces for Mechanical Clock: Flute Piece", JS Bach "Cantata No. 140",  Le Clerc "Toccata," Strauss "Solemn Entry", George Elvey, "Crown Him with Many Crowns" (with Brass) Wilhousky "Battle Hymn," and Unfried "All Creatures of Our God and King." Samuel A. Ward "America the Beautiful" (with Cadet Chorale) Karg-Elert "Praise the Lord," Sousa "Sousa March," Dubois "Fiat Lux," and "High Flight."

9014 U. S. Air Force Academy, Colorado Springs


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