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MEMORABLE MOMENTS from 25 years of The Joy of Music—You will not want to miss this special set of 10 programs as Diane Bish narrates and brings you the BEST OF HIGHLIGHTS from Joy of Music travels, music tapings, artists, scenery and “behind the scenes” stories and sights.  From the worlds great organs and cathedrals, to the  worlds oldest playable organ in Sion, Switzerland, these are truly MEMORABLE MOMENTS!
2901  MEMORABLE MOMENTS I – FAMOUS ORGANS  Diane Bish presents a series of “Memorable” Moments from 25 years of Joy of Music programs.  Music from famous organs and composers include: Meresburg F. Liszt “Ad Nos, Ad Salutarem”; J. Haydn “Flute Clock”; Mozart “Andante”; from Ettal Monastery, Bach “O Thou Of God the Father”, Weiskirche, J. S. Bach “If Thou But Suffer God to Guide Thee”; Ski Chapel  D’Aquin “A Swiss Noel”; and from Ulm Cathedral, C. M. Widor “Toccata from Symphony #5”.


2902  MEMORABLE MOMENTS II – OUTSTANDING  INSTRUMENTALISTS   Diane Bish presents “Memorable” Moments of outstanding musicians who have appeared on Joy of Music programs over the past 25 years.  Musicians include:  Zamfir, Panflute, H. Purcell “Suite in C Major”;  John Dee, Oboe, Pierne “Piece”; Christine Capote, Flute, Mozart “Sonata in A Major”; Stacy Blair, Trumpet, Gervaise “Allemande”; Eva Legene, Recorder, J. S. Bach “Sonata in C Major”; Joy Brown Wiener, Violin, Mendelssohn “Violin Concerto in E Minor”.


2903  MEMORABLE MOMENTS III – OUTSTANDING INSTRUMENTALISTS  Diane Bish continues her presentation of “Memorable” musicians from 25 years of broadcasting: Anne Martindale- Williams, Cello, Bach “Concerto in C Minor: Allegro molto energico”; Saint-Saens “The Swan”; Jamie Buswell, Violin, Bach “E Major Preludio”; Joseph Molnar, Alphorn, Molnar “Sonata for Alphorn”; Susann Mc Donald, Harp, Handel “Concerto in B flat”; Christopher Parkening, Classical Guitar, Bach “Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring”; and Peter Masseurs, Flute, Loillet “Sonata”.


2904  MEMORABLE MOMENTS IV – FAMOUS ORGANS Diane continues her “Memorable” moments on famous organs throughout 25 years of broadcasting.  From Freiburg, Handel “Hornpipe & Air from Water Music”; St. Peter’s, Salzburg, Mozart “Church Sonata”;  Mirabell Palace, Bach “Alleluia”; St. Florian Monastery, Purcell “ATrumpet Processional”; Ebermunster, A. Campra “Rigaudon” and St. Francois de Salle, Widor “Toccata”.


2905  MEMORABLE MOMENTS V – FAMOUS ORGANS Join Diane Bish as she continues her Memorable Moments series.  From the St. Bavo Church we hear Bach’s “Toccata & Fugue in d minor”; from Sion, Frescobaldi’s “Prelude”; Balbastre’s “Noel”; D. Bish’s arr. “Now Thank We All Our God”; and from Strasbourg, France, Handel’s “Grand March Choeur” and Boellman’s “Toccata”.


2906  MEMORABLE MOMENTS VI – A EUROPEAN TOUR  Diane continues her Memorable Moments in a European tour with special guests Lybi Bauer & Christine Nield-Capote, flute; Manuel Capote, Iris van Eck, Anne Williams, cello; Amsterdam Loeki Stardust Quartet, recorder, Joy Brown Wiener, violin;  Music includes: Bach “Concerto in a minor”, “Jesus Thou Didst Ever Guide Me “ and “Suite in C Major”; Schumann “Sketch”; Borowski “Adoration” and Telemann “Suite in G Major”.  European locations include St. Jan’s, Gouda; Once Lieve Vrouw Kirk, Brugge and the Town Church in Lindau, Germany.


2907  MEMORABLE MOMENTS VII – Amazing Organs & Churches  Join Diane in remembering some of the “Amazing Organs & Churches” she has visited and played in 25 years of The Joy of Music.  Albeniz “Prelude” from Tarragona, Spain; Diane’s arrangement “Sing Praise to God” from Weingarten Monastery; G. Walther’s “Concerto in F” from Ochsenhausen Monastery; J. S. Bach’s “Toccata in d minor” from St. Jacob’s Church; L. Couperin’s “Chaconne” with the Canadian Brass and Richard Strauss’ “Solemn Entry”.


2908  MEMORABLE MOMENTS VIII – Outstanding Vocalists In this program, Diane features some of the outstanding vocalists of our time.  Music & performances: Sylvia McNair, Cesar Franck “Panis Angelicus”; Jerome Hines, “Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing”; James King, G. McDermott “Psalm 91”; Sung Sook Lee,  W. A. Mozart “Alleluia”; Greg Kunde, Handel “Thou Shalt Break Them”; Dean Peterson, Handel “Why Do the Nations Rage”; and Angela Brown, Gounod “O Divine Redeemer.”
2909  MEMORABLE MOMENTS IX - AMAZING ANIMALS  Join Diane in a tribute to "Amazing Animals".  Hear the story of Wee Dog Bobby, ever faithful to his master; Deaf Patsy Ann in Alaska; Diane's "singing" dog Chantille and many others.  Music includes: Bach "Thy Goodness is Ever Faithful"; Diane's arr. "Star & Stripes Forever"; Rameau "The Fife"; D'Aquin "Noel"; Bish "Jingle Bells"; Unfried "All Creatures of Our God & King" and Boellmann "Ronde Francais".


2910 MEMORABLE MOMENTS X   - SPECIAL PERFORMANCES  In this Memorable Moments program, Diane is joined by the Canadian Brass and Roger Williams, pianist.  Music includes:  Karg-Elert "Praise the Lord"; J. Brahms "Excerpts from Variations on a Theme by Haydn"; Bach "Toccata & Fugue in d minor" and Roger Williams "Autumn Leaves".



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