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 2409    SACRED FAVORITES II Second in a series from the great organs and churches of the world with guest artists and ensembles.  Guests include: Karina O’Connell, Tin Whistler; John Dee, Oboe;  Christopher Parkening, Classical Guitar: Yon sei Brass Ensemble  Music:  “It is Well with My Soul” (John Dee) from Grace Cathedral, San Francisco;  “God the Omnipotent” from the Barcelona Cathedral in Spain; “Amazing Grace” (Karina O’Connell) from the Galway Cathedral;  Bach “If Thou but Suffer God to Guide Thee”; from St. Bavo, Haarlem, Holland; “Jesu Joy of Man’s Desiring”  (Christopher Parkening) Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church and “Hark, Ten Thousand Harps & Voices”- St. Pierre Cathedral, and “Alleluia”  (Yon sei Brass Ensemble) World Mission Center, Seoul, Korea.

2409 Sacred Favorites II


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