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2110 Musical Journey On The MS Mariner – Part II  Diane continues on to Hamilton, Bermuda where the Bermuda Institute’s Steel Band performs.  Diane plays the organ at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church and then travels on to Charleston, SC where she is greeted by the Mayor on the steps of First Scots Presbysterian Church where she plays.  While at sea, Diane also gives a concert in the ship’s Constellation Theatre on the Diane Bish Signature Allen Organ.  Music includes:  L. Boellman, "Ronde Francais"; E. Elgar "Pomp & Circumstance", the traditional "Lift High the Cross" and Elgar/Bish "Nimrod", D. Bish “Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing” and Widor “Toccata from Symphony  5.

2110 Musical Journey on the MS Mariner - Part II

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